Friday, June 24, 2011

ThiChics "Overcoming the Fear with Wisdom & Knowledge"

ThiChics cater to plus sized women of the world.  We are bombarded by messages and gestures of society, trying to define what we are supposed to be, how we are supposed to look and what beauty is.

Insidious acts that chip away our self-esteem, our confidence until we disappear or become invisible.  ThiChics is a platform for positive and inspired recreations of who we are, who we want to be, and who we've become.  Following the belief that there is great power in numbers of being your own Icon. 

ThiChics is a community of women who are ready to not just accept themselves, but are ready to practice the art of accepting Nothing Less.

Founder and creator of ThiChics KaPricia W. Miller believe that "Greatness belongs to whomever can stand to receive it."  I grew up shy and introverted.  I was an absolute curse to be shy and larger than most of my peers.  I felt like a giant.  I didn't have any boyfriends, being taken advantage of, picked on and sometimes tormented by others was a nightmare and I didn't enjoy most of my childhood and school.  I also felt that since I was plus-size I would not get married or have children.  I had no idea that later on in my Life I would acquire great empathy for others and a genuine desire to reach out to other women and guide them to be Inspired to change their Lives and learn to Love and Embrace being what I call....Enormously Cultured ;-) 

This empowerment is my true calling and as I continue on this journey through Spiritual fitness, relationships, honesty, fashion, health and wellness I give all my Praises to my Lord and Saviour in ordering my steps. 

Who knew this level of change could occur through Loving who you are without looking at your size. 
                                                                                                                                                             -KaPricia W. Miller

ThiChics by KPMiller

Ceo/Founder of ThiChics
Website (coming soon - Summer 2011)
 ThiChics by KaPricia Wilson-Miller ceo/founder est. Feb. 2008

What is ThiChics?  

ThiChics are Another Level of Sexxiness, Chic, Confident, Supportive, God-fearing, Inspiring, Motivated, Leadership beyond beauty, a place within your Fullness of Magnificence at being a 1st rate vision of yourself. Understanding that your Beauty doesn't come from man but it's a received gift from the Lord....
ThiChics..Born 2B Kreative. -kpmiller (Founder,Ceo)See More
We are also....
A Full figure movement in supporting our fuller sisters in tasteful attire, health tips, fashion, hair,beauty, etc.  We are a versatile organization that openly supports the health and well being of our men.
ThiChics is also empowerment to women in learning how to enjoy being different (a size up) and love the fullness thereof.
We're Unique, Compassionate, Loving, Chic', Beauty of all shades, we wear a Crown of Glory that maginfies our persona.
ThiChics we wear it well!
Putting God first in striving to EXCEL above expectations. Being Kreative, Motivative, & EMPOWERING Ladies everywhere!
I don't need a comment to be uplifted.  All I need is God and the ink that falls softly against my papertrailn...the voice of my one sound....that most try to capture in me. 
I live within and I am my own Poetry. 
Eclectic & Audacious
I'm also a Poetess, Artist, Designer (I love the beauty in so many things that most find odd) but that alone is the Beauty within me.
I'm pretty laid back, great sense of humor, polite and quiet at times, I enjoy meditating, being near water and peaceful environments.  I love being with my family and grilling out or traveling.  I'm also a Band mom and Football mom. :)
Most of all, I enjoy Life and try to live within the moment. 

Thanking God for His son Jesus and for my Life. 
Basically I am a lot of things that are positive.  I enjoy those who enjoy me.

You can also follow me on Facebook under KaPricia W. Miller or